The Mega Moisturizing Lippies in Edward’s best 8-Color Lipstick palette could best the Driest climate

wearing Jasmine blossom Lipstick from the $75 Edward’s best 8-Color Lipstick palette by Edward Bess
I want to hang out with Edward Bess…

I mean, have you seen this man’s mane? It looks like it ought to be moving in slo-mo in a shampoo commercial with, like, birds singing in the background and sh*t.


We could hang out, talk hair, and chat about the $75 Edward’s best 8-Color Lipstick palette and how it’s creamy lipstick heaven in a pan. Eventually, I’d segue into my master plan to become the world’s first lipstick nomad/cat lady.

We’d be at Starbucks. I’d reach across the small table, take his hands in mine and say, “Edward, I think it would be really cool to travel the world with a whole cadre of lipsticks, like 100 of them, and take pics of myself wearing a different shade in every new location.”

He would respond, “That’s a fantastic idea, Karen. Lass mich dir helfen…”


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The pigmented lippies in this 8-pan palette could get me through at least one country — possibly one with a dry, cold climate, because all of these are crazy moisturizing, and wearing them soothes my lips like ahhhhh.

“Edward,” I’d ask, taking a sip of my pumpkin spice latte, “may I french braid your hair?”

“Of course,” he’d reply. “Du darfst.”

From the left in the top row: nude Lotus, Pure Impulse, rose demure and Tender Love; bottom row: Candid Affair, Jasmine Blossom, Deep Lust and Midnight Bloom
The palette includes a lip brush
Deep Lust
Nude Lotus

Pure Impulse
Rose Demure
Zarte Liebe
Candid Affair
Jasmine Blossom
Midnight Bloom
From the left: nude Lotus, Pure Impulse, rose demure and Tender Love
From the left: Candid Affair, Jasmine Blossom, Deep Lust and Midnight Bloom
In my paw for scale
The Edward’s best 8-Color Lipstick palette is available now for $75 at Neiman Marcus stores and

The pumpkin spice latte is available at Starbucks.


Ihre freundliche Nachbarschaftszusatzsüchtige,


P. S give yourself a big hug for me, babe. You are worthy of it.

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